Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dyeing Day

I have been having fun today, dyeing up a storm.

Because this Saturday our local Spinning and Weaving Guild is happening there open day.

I have been asked if I would take some of my Hand Dyed Yarns, Tops, Stitch Markers and any other goodies that might sell.

So I thought I better go a move on and start dyeing some stock it was great to be doing this in my new room some much room to move and spread myself out.
I was able to spread out 4 skeins at one time and just walk right round my work bench. I am so lovely my new room.

Here are the skeins ready to be cooked in the mircowave.

Here is a closer look at the skein.

Here is one for all those spinner out there, Merino Tops dyed in bright colours.

I will take more pictures when they are dry and rewind ready for sale.

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